Thursday, August 1, 2013

Time to Update Your Resume

As the summer nears an end, your thoughts wander to preparing for the Fall semester.  One thing that students should be doing at the end of each semester is a resume update.  Having a current resume is one of the easiest ways to ensure that you are always ready for any opportunity that may come along.  Here are a few tips to a timely resume:

1.  Have a master resume- This document can be multiple pages long and a record of everything you have accomplished.  Use the relevant parts of your master resume to create targeted resumes for jobs and internships.

2.  Update right away- Joining a new group?  Just completed a great summer internship?  Don't wait to add these skills and accomplishments to your resume.  It only takes a few minutes to jot down your most recent accomplishments, while they are fresh in your mind.

3.  Complete a semester end review- Set aside 15 minutes at the end of each semester to give your resume the once over.  Make sure that everything is up to date and accurate.  Trade with a friend for a quick proofreading session.  Of course, you can always bring your resume to Career Services walk-in hours for a review as well.

4.  Think of your resume as a living document- Your resume is never done!  Even after you land your dream job, an up to date resume is a must.  

Spending just a few minutes each semester can ensure your resume is always employer ready!

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